Confusing smartd messages

Rodney W. Grimes freebsd-rwg at
Thu Jul 5 04:25:53 UTC 2018

[ Charset windows-1252 unsupported, converting... ]
> 05.07.2018 8:05, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> > It would of also been nice if the ata standard would of made a way
> > to get the LBA of pending sectors so that a very quick rewrite attempt
> > could be done to fix them.  IIRC this info is avalible, but in a vendor
> > specific way.
> "smartctl -t long" reveals LBA of first pending sector.

That is vendor dependent and well only return the pending sector
if the pending sector fails for most vendors.  It may fix the
sector if it could read it.  This is also a full surface read,
so not a direct path to get the LBA's that are in the
pending list.

The software that comes with a PC3000 can get this list
from most drives, but it knows a lot of vendor specific,
and often even undocumented commands.

Rod Grimes                                                 rgrimes at

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