syslogd(8) with OOM Killer protection

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups at
Sun Jan 31 15:08:12 UTC 2016

Willem Jan Withagen:
 > I'm trying to keep settings per deamon together in a file in 
/etc/rc.conf.d/, and load configs from there.
 > This makes daemon managment from external tools (puppet etc) a LOT 
 > It can just copy a default file into /etc/rc.conf.d if it wants a 
daemon available on a server.

Perhaps I can interest you in a system where the settings, the daemon 
start/run/restart/stop programs, and whatever ancillaries the daemon may 
care to have in its working directory, are all contained in a single 
directory hierarchy, such as /var/sv/syslogd for a 
(non-socket-inheriting) syslogd service.

JdeBP /var/sv/syslogd $ ls
after   conflicts   required-by stopped-by
wants   before  log     service  wanted-by
JdeBP /var/sv/syslogd $ ls service
down    env    restart  run    start  stop
JdeBP /var/sv/syslogd $ ls service/env
flags     oomprotect
JdeBP /var/sv/syslogd $

It is a service bundle, and part of the idea is that it is just a 
directory tree that can be archived up and copied around.  The 
nosh-bundles package contains 739 such service bundles.


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