syslogd(8) with OOM Killer protection

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups at
Sun Jan 31 14:06:20 UTC 2016

Jan Bramkamp:
 > I would prefer to implement [a] flag keeping cron (and all other
 > base system daemons) from double-forking and run it under a
 > process supervisor like daemontools.

Ravi Pokala:
 > We've recently added that to `syslogd' (r279567, 2015-03-03).
 > I think we also have internal changes (not committed to -HEAD
 > yet) which adds a "run in foreground" option to a few other
 > daemons.

As I've noted:


This has been gradually going on for a decade, now.  It's not something 
new that we're only just getting.  Vixie cron (still determinedly 
"daemonizing" itself) is largely *not* representative of current 
practice, now.  It's not even representative of crons in particular.  
GNU cron has a -f flag.  Matt Dillon's dcron has a -f flag.  Thibault 
Godouet's fcron has a -f flag.  Bruce Guenter's bcron was designed from 
the start to be run under a service manager.


My thanks (and I suspect that of a lot of other people) to those who are 
and have been, program by program, enabling us to be rid of all of the 
unnecessary forking.

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