cluster FS?

Anton Shterenlikht mexas at
Wed Oct 1 09:02:33 UTC 2014

>From jkh at Wed Oct  1 09:26:57 2014
>You are trying to create an active/active fail-over system with multiple modes.  You cannot get there from where you are starting.  This is basically a “start over” proposition, and why folks like NetApp and EMC sell a lot of fileservers to replace existing SAN solutions.

So are you saying that the SAN model
is not good for active/active failover
with multiple nodes?

Clearly if SAN itself fails, then the data
is not accessible. From what I understand,
in really mission critical systems people
use multiple SANs with multiple nodes, with
some extra data synchronisation mechanisms
between those multiple SANs.

Are you saying there are better solutions
for high availability?



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