ports/189048: graphics/libchamplain: Shared object " libxml2.so.5" not found

Kevin Oberman rkoberman at gmail.com
Sat May 3 23:31:21 UTC 2014

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Toni Ballesta <mustelator at yahoo.es> wrote:

> The following reply was made to PR ports/189048; it has been noted by
> From: Toni Ballesta <mustelator at yahoo.es>
> To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org, mustelator at yahoo.es
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: ports/189048: graphics/libchamplain: Shared object
> "libxml2.so.5"
>  not found
> Date: Fri, 02 May 2014 16:53:46 +0200
>  Hello. The shared libraries are this:
>  % pkg shlib -R libxml2.so.5
>  libxml2.so.5 is linked to by the following packages:
>  libchamplain-0.8.1_3
>  i386-wine-1.6.2,1
>  And yes, he itself is looked but really doesn't need. The correctly is
>  deinstall completely (with package backup, better) before build. Thanks,
>  Tijl and Kevin! I doesn't need to rebuild that.
>  The problem for this installation is solved, but the bug I don't know.
>  It is necessary to repair?

This is a common error I've seen from time to time in several ports. The
fix is to always use libraries from the build directory when available and
prefer these to those in /usr/local/lib.This can be rather tricky, though
it is usually "just"  matter of correctly ordering the -L arguments for the

I'd guess that the problem is in "demos" since it links executables against
libchamplin, but I am not a make expert and especially so when libtool is

There is quite possily a standard way to deal with this and my wild guess
would involve the definition of pkglibdir in demos/Makefile.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
E-mail: rkoberman at gmail.com

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