Evolution Issues
Frank Jahnke
frank.jahnke at gmail.com
Fri May 2 18:15:18 UTC 2014
Thanks for the assurance that Evolution will continue to be supported. It
seems rather fragile at the moment.
I did finally get my files split using traditional Unix text-processing
tools and vi. It turns out that the Sent file was really corrupted, and I
had to rebuild it from its component pieces. Now that every file is on the
order of 1 GB (one is 1.6GB) it seems to work OK -- the indexing is fast,
junk files identified, and the trash can be emptied.
I did rely heavily on a tool that may benefit others: mutt_mbox_split.sh.
This is a bash script that splits mbox-format files according to date
range inputs. It works fine on FreeBSD as long as gsed is installed and
used instead of the BSD sed. You also need to have mutt installed.
Simply, the shell reads the options and invokes gsed to get mbox entries
in the proper range, and then feeds them to mutt for sorting. It works
really well. Be aware that the files split out are removed from the source
file, so make sure to have a backup.
After working with mbox files for a bit, I no longer have any confidence in
their potential accuracy for legal issues (for example). They are too easy
to manipulate/edit.
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 2:35 AM, Koop Mast <kwm at rainbow-runner.nl> wrote:
> On 22-04-2014 19:32, Dennis Glatting wrote:
> > On Tue, 2014-04-22 at 10:23 -0700, Frank Jahnke wrote:
> >> I have been using Evolution since version 1.1.99, and am trying to
> >> consolidate email messages from disparate computers into once place.
> I've
> >> run into a number of problems and I have had difficulty finding answers
> in
> >> the usual places. So I ask them here, as the BSD Forum readers seemed
> no to
> >> know any of the answers.
> >>
> >> 1. Does Evolution have a future on FreeBSD (or elsewhere)? I know that
> >> Gnome 2 support is winding down, and I've been using Mate mostly with
> >> success. Is Evolution too is fading, so that my time would best be used
> >> with another POP mail client?
> >>
> >
> > I hope it has a future. I've been using it for a long time. That said,
> > the FreeBSD version is old but my understanding is the newer version is
> > dependent on GNOME3 libraries.
> Newer version of evolution of part of GNOME 3.12 correct, we got test
> port of these versions. I need to look into the upgrade path from 2.32.x
> to 3.x. Sadly while the new evolution is working for others there seems
> to be a monkey with a wrench somewhere on my computers ...
> I also need to see how standalone evolution is these days, because GNOME
> 3 is more tightly integrated to the different components these days then
> in the 2.x days.
> >> 2. Does Evolution have a size limit on any of the files (Inbox, Sent,
> etc.)
> >> it uses? Some of mine exceed 4GB -- the smaller ones on the order of 1
> GB
> >> are easy to manipulate and work properly. The larger ones invariably
> have
> >> indexing issues, and I am unable to delete files from Trash. And yes, I
> do
> >> intend to break up the large files once I get them in one place if it is
> >> possible. It is also possible that some of the entries have been
> corrupted.
> >>
> >
> > I have issues on large number of mailbox messages -- slow, and my
> > mailboxes are on ZFS volumes with SSD caches.
> I couldn't say anything about this, because I have been using IMAP
> exclusively.
> >> 3. Does the entry order in the Inbox (for example) make any difference?
> I
> >> notice that even on files that can be manipulated, sometimes there are
> >> indexing issues when sorting by date. This particular Inbox file has
> dates
> >> that are not in order.
> >>
> >> 4. Does the Evolution file import function append the imported file to
> an
> >> existing one, or does it overwrite the old file?
> >>
> >> 5. Is there a good editor for dealing with large files? I have tried to
> use
> >> vi, and while it is able to read the file and search it (even if it is
> on
> >> the order of 5 GB), deleting text from a location to the file beginning
> >> resulted in a vi crash.
> >>
> >> The system is FreeBSD Release 10.0, 64 bits, Mate 1.6.1, Evolution
> 2.32.1
> >> (gnome keyring enabled) given 10 GB memory/300GB disk running in a
> VMware
> >> Workstation 7.0 VM under Windows 7 (up-to-date) 64 bit computer with 20
> GB
> >> memory. Everything else on the FreeBSD system seems to work fine. I have
> >> tried to use procmail/formail to clean the Inbox up without success.
> >>
> >> Thank you in advance for your comments!
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