Evolution crawls on FreeBSD

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Tue Mar 4 19:01:58 UTC 2008

On Tue, 04 Mar 2008 12:27:42 -0600, Roy Marples <roy at marples.name> wrote:

> On Tuesday 04 March 2008 17:27:08 Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
>> All GNOME ports honor LDFLAGS.
> I'm pretty sure evolution didn't when I tested this a few months ago.  
> I'll retest once I get my fbsd box back up.

You can't just add in /etc/make.conf. You have to edit in  
evolution/Makefile. If you want to get make.conf works, it will need to be  
add ${LDFLAGS} like this:


Then add in make.conf:


I haven't test it, but it should works.

>>  That said, if you are using
>> the FBSD linker in G/FBSD, and you're not seeing this problem, there
>> must be something else that's keep Evo in the linker for so long.  Thus
>> far, I haven't heard any default Gentoo option that may account for
>> this.  Perhaps you have some other libtool patches or other custom
>> patches not in any version of FBSD...?
> Gentoo has a function called elibtoolize which tests and applies libtool
> patches to the shipped copy. It's quite complicated as many packages ship
> with old and customised libtools. Gentoo also forces packages to use the  
> versioning sytem of x.y.z instead of the fbsd single digit, which makes
> library upgrades a bit less painful. There's also patches to ensure that
> parallel make and install work.

We have a hack for library version too, it's in Mk/bsd.gnome.mk called  
ltverhack. Near all of our ports (maintain by gnome) are using it, it  
helps a lot for upgrade just like with Gentoo. But you said that Gentoo  
get to use x.y.z and we just get to use correct ABI number. You can see  
the difference:




> Gentoo also uses binutils-2.17 on G/FBSD whereas last Iooked FBSD uses  
> 2.15.
> Both use large and complicated patchsets compared to a vanilla binutils.
> I can't be much more help as I don't use G/FBSD since I retired from  
> Gentoo,
> but I do idle in #gentoo-bsd where I'm trying to get some users to get a  
> list
> of all patches applied against evolution.
> Thanks
> Roy

mezz7 at cox.net  -  mezz at FreeBSD.org
http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/  -  gnome at FreeBSD.org

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