Evolution crawls on FreeBSD

Roy Marples roy at marples.name
Tue Mar 4 18:28:24 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 04 March 2008 17:27:08 Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> All GNOME ports honor LDFLAGS.

I'm pretty sure evolution didn't when I tested this a few months ago. I'll 
retest once I get my fbsd box back up.

>  That said, if you are using
> the FBSD linker in G/FBSD, and you're not seeing this problem, there
> must be something else that's keep Evo in the linker for so long.  Thus
> far, I haven't heard any default Gentoo option that may account for
> this.  Perhaps you have some other libtool patches or other custom
> patches not in any version of FBSD...?

Gentoo has a function called elibtoolize which tests and applies libtool 
patches to the shipped copy. It's quite complicated as many packages ship 
with old and customised libtools. Gentoo also forces packages to use the GNU 
versioning sytem of x.y.z instead of the fbsd single digit, which makes 
library upgrades a bit less painful. There's also patches to ensure that 
parallel make and install work.

Gentoo also uses binutils-2.17 on G/FBSD whereas last Iooked FBSD uses 2.15. 
Both use large and complicated patchsets compared to a vanilla binutils.

I can't be much more help as I don't use G/FBSD since I retired from Gentoo, 
but I do idle in #gentoo-bsd where I'm trying to get some users to get a list 
of all patches applied against evolution.



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