Anyone interested in glom?

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Wed Mar 29 07:06:04 UTC 2006

Currently, gnome@ maintains databases/glom.  It has stagnated at version
0.8.30 for some time now since libgda-1.2.x was updated to 1.9.
However, since libgda-1.2.x is back, glom could be updated to the
recently-released 1.0.

This new version requires the Postgres provider of libgda, and I am not
a Postgres user.  It doesn't sound like any of the FreeBSD GNOME team
members are interested in this port, so I wondered if anyone wants to
give it a home before I open it up to ports at .

Note: there is also a libgdamm 1.3.7 update available.  I will pass a
patch for that on to bland.  However, glom 1.0 should build with


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team      ::      gnome at
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome
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