ports/92445: [patch] change all bogus uses of BROKEN to IGNORE

michael johnson ahze at ahze.net
Tue Jun 20 15:50:15 UTC 2006

On 6/20/06, Mark Linimon <linimon at lonesome.com> wrote:
> I am including each of you because you are the maintainer of a part of
> bsd.*.mk that will be touched by this patch.
> This patch will once and for all get rid of the misnomer BROKEN in cases
> where IGNORE is truly called for; that is, ports that cannot be installed
> due to incompatabilities.  Finally, BROKEN will be reserved for ports that
> _should_ install correctly but are suspected not to at the present time.
> In practice, several of the BROKEN_WITH already set IGNORE internally,
> so their names are no longer correct in any case.
> BROKEN_WITH will remain, for now, an alias for IGNORE_WITH, for backwards
> compatibility, but its use will be deprecated.

> Please let me know of any feedback you have.  I am intending to try this
> one in the next -exp run.

no objections from me for bsd.gnome.mk or bsd.gstreamer.mk.



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