ports/92445: [patch] change all bogus uses of BROKEN to IGNORE

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at freebsd.org
Tue Jun 20 15:32:08 UTC 2006

Mark Linimon wrote:
> I am including each of you because you are the maintainer of a part of
> bsd.*.mk that will be touched by this patch.
> This patch will once and for all get rid of the misnomer BROKEN in cases
> where IGNORE is truly called for; that is, ports that cannot be installed
> due to incompatabilities.  Finally, BROKEN will be reserved for ports that
> _should_ install correctly but are suspected not to at the present time.
> In practice, several of the BROKEN_WITH already set IGNORE internally,
> so their names are no longer correct in any case.
> BROKEN_WITH will remain, for now, an alias for IGNORE_WITH, for backwards
> compatibility, but its use will be deprecated.
> Please let me know of any feedback you have.  I am intending to try this
> one in the next -exp run.

I have no objections to this.  The reason we went with BROKEN in the 
first place is that most of these errors are temporary in the sense that 
the porter most likely messed up (i.e. the "unknown component" or 
"cannot use ltverhack").  The GNOME Desktop version conflict should 
truly be an IGNORE.


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at FreeBSD.org
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome

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