HEADS UP: Dropping support for GNOME on FreeBSD 4.X

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at FreeBSD.org
Thu May 19 00:12:32 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 20:51 -0400, Jimmie James wrote:
> <rant>
> Great. :(
> Unfortunatly, I can't update to 5.x untill I get a new system.  I've
> tried every 5.x release since about 4.4, and not one will install
> here.

If you can't get 4.4 to install on this machine, then there's no hope
for GNOME.  We only support GNOME 2.10 on 4.10 and higher.

> >FreeBSD 4.X is dead, developmentwise. 
> If "FreeBSD 4.X is dead", then why is it still being prompted on the site?
> Wasn't there just a flurry of USB commits for the 4.x branch? 

As a server, I still run 4.X on a few machines.  As a desktop, however,
I don't use it at all.  There's just not enough hooks to make it very

> >Bug reports will be entertained on a per-port basis.  Some ports may
> >continue to see life on 4.X provided they build and are functional.
> >This will be left up to the maintainer's discretion, of course.
> That says to me, when remote vuln's creap in, all the 4.x users are
> going to be exploited,  and there's nothing we'll be able to do, but
> to lose out, or become part of a botnet.

The security team will be supporting 4.X for a while.  I am only
speaking about GNOME on FreeBSD 4.X.

> Considering E.O.L of 4.11 is January 31, 2007, I think this is unreasonable.

As an OS, yes.  Again, this is only regarding GNOME on 4.X.

> >More and more ports break with GCC 2.x.
> More and more ports have build depends of GCC 3.x, I don't see how GCC
> 2.x factors into this choice.

In general, these are the trivial problems to fix, but they are not the
only problems as my original email outlined.


> </rant>  <!--Sorry -->
Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team      ::      gnome at FreeBSD.org
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome
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