Install of Abiword

Gordon Gilbert gord at
Wed May 18 19:04:26 PDT 2005


OK, I did manage to "install" Abiword.  (So disregard the email I sent an 
hour or so ago.)  I can launch it, and even enter text.  But if I try to 
open a file, or save some entered text, it crashes.  Any ideas?  I'm 
running FreeBSD 5.3, and am installing Abiword-plugins right now.  How can 
I make it run?

Hope you can help


Rev. Gordon Gilbert+

 	|                 Angels' Roost Farm                  |
 	|       Rev. Fr. Gordon Gilbert & Susan Gilbert       |
 	|                   705-549-5056                      |
 	|                gord at                  |
 	|                susan at                 |

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