leaner and meaner www/firefox
Mikhail Teterin
Mikhail.Teterin at murex.com
Wed Aug 3 18:12:25 GMT 2005
> package (pkg_add), wouldn't you get error when run apps for can't find to
> link foobar.so.5 when you have foobar.so.4? I don't use package, but
> wouldn't package (without library version in Makefile) failed to check for
> need foobar.so.5 and go ahead install it because there was no library
> version info? With the library version would check and give the error
> earlier.
No... See bsd.port.mk's cvs log:
revision 1.424
date: 2002/09/19 00:16:39; author: kris; state: Exp; lines: +72 -39
* [1] Registering real dependencies: dependency registration looks at the
currently-installed version of the dependency and registers that version,
instead of registering the version in ports which may be newer than
what is installed.
(I recall pushing for this and submitting my own version of this change, but
sobomax was part of portmgr and I was not...)
Try it and let's get this one over with...
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