leaner and meaner www/firefox

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Wed Aug 3 08:55:06 GMT 2005

On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 00:01:12 -0500, Mikhail Teterin  
<mi at corbulon.video-collage.com> wrote:

>> without library version:
>> ==================================
>> 1) User doesn't update dependenies as in his practice.
>> 2) CVSup
>> 3) Install new libraries and apps.
>> 4) User have the problems in runtime, we end up have to chase to tell
>> him where the problem is. Possible more than just a dependency. He
>> never see the problem, because of PORTREVISION never tell you that
>> need to updated dependencies.
> Can you, please, elaborate on the steps 3 and 4? Although an active
> participant of the threads you mentioned, I still fail to see a
> possibility of a run-time problem. Thank you,

package (pkg_add), wouldn't you get error when run apps for can't find to  
link foobar.so.5 when you have foobar.so.4? I don't use package, but  
wouldn't package (without library version in Makefile) failed to check for  
need foobar.so.5 and go ahead install it because there was no library  
version info? With the library version would check and give the error  


> 	-mi

mezz7 at cox.net  -  mezz at FreeBSD.org
http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/  -  gnome at FreeBSD.org

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