Is GNOME 2.7/2.8 stable to you?

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at
Sat Sep 18 10:37:25 PDT 2004

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 21:00:15 +0800, Khairil Yusof <kaeru at>  

> On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 22:02 -0500, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>> I haven't seen many report of GNOME 2.7/2.8 for weeks/months, so I am
>> wondering how does it goes with all of you? I think, this 2.7  
>> development
>> is the most stable version that I have tested, which I couldn't find any
>> more bugs lately beside gstreamer.
> Gnome 2.8/FreeBSD-5-Beta4
> Straw is crashing on me, when I try to click on a news feed.

Don't bother Straw, it's a too buggy software and the developers don't  
know what they are doing with it. Use Liferea or other RSS feeder software  
that functions better.

> Multimedia
> Gstreamer
> Immediate crash on Multimedia Systems Selector, gnome volume control not
> detecting any sound card etc.

Do you have any dsp* in the /dev/? I noticed that if I don't build kernel  
with sound or don't load it as module like disable sound, then GNOME will  
not be stable. Few apps will crashing such as gstreamer and etc. I think,  
GNOME should return it as NULL or false if the sound doesn't exist.


> I'm looking into both now, and will get debug info, if I can't find out
> what's causing them to crash/not work.
> Otherwise, I've not run into any problems (yet) on Gnome 2.8.

mezz7 at  -  mezz at
FreeBSD GNOME Team  -  gnome at

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