Request feedback for GCONF_SCHEMAS in porting.sgml..
Jeremy Messenger
mezz7 at
Thu Sep 16 19:09:21 PDT 2004
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 21:15:55 -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke
<marcus at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 19:24, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need some feedbacks for my change in porting.sgml in the 'GConf Schema
>> Installation' section about the new GCONF_SCHEMAS. If it doesn't clear
>> enough, just let me know with the explanation why it is not clear or
>> whatever. English grammar check would be great too. Thanks!
>> BTW: will be next after this feedback.
> "...these schema files <tt>%gconf.xml</tt> key files were listed in the
Add an 'and' here for 'schema files and <tt>%gconf.xml</tt> key files.
> port's <tt>pkg-plist</tt>. Since this proved to be problematic,
> handling of GConf schemas was changed to something similar to that of <a
> href="">MAN<i>n</i></a>
> files. That is, for each schema file installed by your port, you must
> have the following listed in the <tt>Makefile</tt>:"
> How about that instead?
Looks good with add an 'and'. I also changed s/SCHEMAS/schema/g in the
bottom. Update patch is attaching..
> Joe
>> Cheers,
>> Mezz
mezz7 at - mezz at
FreeBSD GNOME Team - gnome at
-------------- next part --------------
Index: www/en/gnome/docs/porting.sgml
RCS file: /home/dcvs/www/en/gnome/docs/porting.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -r1.43 porting.sgml
--- www/en/gnome/docs/porting.sgml 26 Jul 2004 20:46:45 -0000 1.43
+++ www/en/gnome/docs/porting.sgml 17 Sep 2004 02:07:33 -0000
@@ -255,38 +255,30 @@
applications use for storing their settings. This
database is defined by installed schema files that are
used to generate <tt>%gconf.xml</tt> key files. Previously,
- these <tt>%gconf.xml</tt> key files were listed in plists.
- However, this proved to be problematic. Therefore, a new
- solution has been devised. GConf schema files are now
- handled similarly to <a href="#omf">OMF files</a>. That
- is, for each schema file installed by your port, you must
- have the following entries listed in the
- <tt>pkg-plist</tt>:</p>
+ these schema files and <tt>%gconf.xml</tt> key files were
+ listed in the port's <tt>pkg-plist</tt>. Since this proved
+ to be problematic, handling of GConf schemas was changed to
+ something similar to that of <a href="">MAN<i>n</i></a>
+ files. That is, for each schema file installed by your port,
+ you must have the following listed in the <tt>Makefile</tt>:</p>
- at unexec env GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml::%D/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults \
-gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \
-%D/etc/gconf/schemas/my_app.schemas > /dev/null || /usr/bin/true
- at exec env GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml::%D/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults \
-gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule \
-%D/etc/gconf/schemas/my_app.schemas > /dev/null || /usr/bin/true
+GCONF_SCHEMAS= my_app.schemas my_app2.schemas my_app3.schemas
- <p>For example:</p>
+ <p>For example in <tt>audio/gnomemedia2</tt>:</p>
- at unexec env GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml::%D/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults \
-gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \
-%D/etc/gconf/schemas/file-roller.schemas > /dev/null || /usr/bin/true
- at exec env GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml::%D/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults \
-gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule \
-%D/etc/gconf/schemas/file-roller.schemas > /dev/null || /usr/bin/true
+GCONF_SCHEMAS= CDDB-Slave2.schemas gnome-audio-profiles.schemas \
+ gnome-cd.schemas gnome-sound-recorder.schemas
- <p>You can use this <a href="/gnome/">script</a> to
- add these entries automatically.</p>
+ <p>The schema files and <tt>%gconf.xml</tt> key files should
+ not be in the <tt>pkg-plist</tt>. If you notice that the
+ port doesn't has any <tt>%gconf.xml</tt> key files, but
+ has schema files then you should not be use
+ <tt>GCONF_SCHEMAS</tt>. It means, this port has broke
+ either schema files or installtion of GConf.</p>
<!-- End GConf schemas -->
<!-- Begin GNOME libtool -->
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