Request feedback for GCONF_SCHEMAS in porting.sgml..

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Thu Sep 16 18:16:12 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 19:24, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> Hello,
> I need some feedbacks for my change in porting.sgml in the 'GConf Schema  
> Installation' section about the new GCONF_SCHEMAS. If it doesn't clear  
> enough, just let me know with the explanation why it is not clear or  
> whatever. English grammar check would be great too. Thanks!
> BTW: will be next after this feedback.

"...these schema files <tt>%gconf.xml</tt> key files were listed in the
port's <tt>pkg-plist</tt>.  Since this proved to be problematic,
handling of GConf schemas was changed to something similar to that of <a
href="">MAN<i>n</i></a> files.  That is, for each schema file installed by your port, you must have the following listed in the <tt>Makefile</tt>:"

How about that instead?


> Cheers,
> Mezz
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