Is GNOME 2.7/2.8 stable to you?

Vladimir Grebenschikov vova at
Thu Sep 16 02:56:06 PDT 2004

В чт, 16/09/2004 в 03:56 -0500, Jeremy Messenger пишет:

... snip ...
> > Yes, they suggest to ignore message - not looks good, I have remove
> > plug-in and it helps, but see below
> Maybe, I can disable the 'unstable' plugins by default until someone wants  
> to enable it with some knobs.

Not bad idea 

> > turning off cups removes all these messages and make start of gumeric
> > much faster (looks like gnumeric tries to connect all configured cups
> > printers - seems strange)
>  From what I noticed that you are having some problem with the printer in  
> two apps (gnumeric and evolution) right? But, they behave different.

Actually with turned off cups evolution print dialogue starts very fast.

Looks like too long delay is cups related, most probably it caused by
offline printers.

> > But, after some rebuilds it refused to start at all under normal user -
> > it crashed
> Even crash on a 'dummy' user with no configuration files? How did you  
> rebuilt it?

No, just created user - has only warning about plugin, no crash problem.
so it is better to reset gconf database ?

... snip ...

> I think, it's good idea for you to report to the developers (in their  
> bugzilla) if you haven't done yet.

> > Ok, see marcus@ replay on my previous post about in attachment. (with  
> > gnome bugzilla link, open bug)
> > Actually now I have much faster notebook and problem with simicq still  
> > exists.
> Thanks, at least this problem isn't only on FreeBSD.

Yes, but it annoying ...

> Cheers,
> Mezz

Vladimir B. Grebenchikov
vova at

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