Is GNOME 2.7/2.8 stable to you?
Jeremy Messenger
mezz7 at
Thu Sep 16 01:56:23 PDT 2004
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:01:46 +0400, Vladimir Grebenschikov <vova at>
> В ср, 15/09/2004 в 13:18 -0500, Jeremy Messenger пишет:
>> On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 14:32:08 +0400, Vladimir Grebenschikov
>> <vova at>
>> wrote:
>> >> I relied to say that this most likely points to a need to upgrade
>> >> libgda2 and libgnomedb. Did you do that?
>> >
>> >
>> > Yes, it does not help.
>> Did you read my reply with link?
> Yes, they suggest to ignore message - not looks good, I have remove
> plug-in and it helps, but see below
Maybe, I can disable the 'unstable' plugins by default until someone wants
to enable it with some knobs.
>> > Also gnumeric complains on start to stderr:
>> >
>> > env LANG=C gnumeric
>> > /home/vova/.gtkrc-2.0:2: Unable to find include file: ".gtkrc-2.0-
>> > scrollbar_cog"
>> > (gnumeric:65048): GnomePrintCupsPlugin-WARNING **: iconv does not
>> > support ppd character encoding: ISOLatin1, trying CSISOLatin1
>> > ** (gnumeric:65048): WARNING **: Could not find child for option
>> > "PhysicalSize" with id "A4"
>> > ** (gnumeric:65048): WARNING **: Could not find child for option
>> > "PhysicalSize" with id "Letter"
>> > ** (gnumeric:65048): WARNING **: Could not find child for option
>> > "PhysicalSize" with id "A4"
>> > ** (gnumeric:65048): WARNING **: Could not set value of "PhysicalSize"
>> > to "A4"
>> > ** (gnumeric:65048): WARNING **: Could not find child for option
>> > "PhysicalSize" with id "Letter"
>> > ** (gnumeric:65048): WARNING **: Could not find child for option
>> > "PhysicalSize" with id "A4"
>> > ** (gnumeric:65048): WARNING **: Could not find child for option
>> > "PhysicalSize" with id "A4"
>> >
>> >
>> > May be I should reset some configuration files ?
>> I can't reproduce this. At the every release of GNOME, I always reset
>> all
>> configuration files by 'rm -rf' the GNOME's .* and even in /var/tmp to
>> get
>> the better stability.
> opps, forcing users (not developers) to reset all configuration not
> good, I think it need to test upgrade too ...
Be sure to complain it to the GNOME developers; not to us. :-) I am not
sure about 2.6 -> 2.8 thought, I think gconf might be only thing that need
to reset.
> turning off cups removes all these messages and make start of gumeric
> much faster (looks like gnumeric tries to connect all configured cups
> printers - seems strange)
From what I noticed that you are having some problem with the printer in
two apps (gnumeric and evolution) right? But, they behave different.
> But, after some rebuilds it refused to start at all under normal user -
> it crashed
Even crash on a 'dummy' user with no configuration files? How did you
rebuilt it?
> Backtrace was generated from '/usr/X11R6/bin/gnumeric'
> Gnome bug-buddy collected some stacktraces, but they not seems usable:
Try to do it in gdb instead bug-buddy. Current, I am rebuilding all apps
again because I forgot to enable the debug, so I can get the better
backtraces if I can get it crash. I know, I am not helping that much
because I just still can't reproduce it while I don't have any printer
> But again, starting gnumeric under root user works - Ok.
> Also, under root there is no popup about gnome-db plug-in.
>> >> d here/,
>> >> | System -> New Session does not work - it make screen white and
>> all
>> >> | If I do Ctrl-Alt-F1 then back - old sessi
>> >>
>> >> This should be fixed in the latest version.
>> >
>> > No, this is not fixed on latest gnome. But I can start second Xserver
>> > manually
>> > sudo X :1
>> I don't understand what you are trying to do with the new session? Care
>> to
>> explain more, so I can try to reproduce it? The 'doesn't work' will not
>> help us to figure what problem you are having.
> I've figured out what happens myself, I have add "vt12" to "Standard
> Server" definition in gdm.conf. So flex-server tried to start second X
> server on same vt and this gives unexpected result instead of simple
> error.
> Another issue I have found, with this gdm configuration:
> [servers]
> 0=Standard
> Also I have found following bug (or feature):
> # Definition of the standard X server.
> [server-Standard]
> name=Flex server
> command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0 vt12
> flexible=false
> # Definition of the standard X server for flex
> [server-Flex]
> name=Flex server
> command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0
> flexible=true
> On gdmflexiserver it suggest to choose one of X servers for flex:
> Standard and Flex, looks like bug in gdmflex logic: it is not possible
> to disable flexing on standard server.
> Finally this configuration looks Ok for me:
I think, it's good idea for you to report to the developers (in their
bugzilla) if you haven't done yet.
> [servers]
> 0=Parked
> # Definition of the standard X server. (only for flex)
> [server-Standard]
> name=Flex server
> command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0
> flexible=true
> # Definition of the standard X server parked on vt12 console (main)
> [server-Parked]
> name=Parked server
> command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -audit 0 vt12
> flexible=false
>> > Another issue notification-area applet still can be started after it's
>> > children. I was forced to fix this by adding sleep() into simicq
>> binary
>> > to wait while notification-area applet starts.
>> >
>> > Is any plans to make this in sync ?
>> I don't notice any issue with notification-area such as gaim, gdesklets
>> and few other apps. Perhaps, need to explain more?
> Ok, see marcus@ replay on my previous post about in attachment. (with
> gnome bugzilla link, open bug)
> Actually now I have much faster notebook and problem with simicq still
> exists.
Thanks, at least this problem isn't only on FreeBSD.
>> > My upgrade procedure failed on building mjpegtools:
>> mjeptools is not maintain by GNOME, but I shall help. I don't have any
>> problem to install it, see here:
>> ========================================
>> # ls -l /var/db/pkg | grep mjp
>> drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Sep 15 12:58 mjpegtools-1.6.2_2/
>> ========================================
>> It looks like you have FreeBSD 5.x, so the devel/libgnugeopt conflicts
>> with getopt in base system. Uninstall libgnugeopt and try mjeptools
>> again.
> I have current, but uninstalling libgnugetopts helps.
> # uname -a
> FreeBSD 6.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 6.0-CURRENT #4: Fri Sep 3
> 11:36:31 MSD 2004 root at i386
> Actually I need libgnugetopts for other project, can this conflict be
> eliminated ?
I really have no idea what's solution for this, which I never follow up on
that kind of topic. Try to search in the mailing list archives or google
for some clues.
>> Cheers,
>> Mezz
>> > #portupgrade -f -r pkgconfig
>> > ....
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> Joe
mezz7 at - mezz at
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