which flash? (plugins, wrappers)

Norikatsu Shigemura nork at FreeBSD.org
Thu Nov 20 10:22:45 PST 2003

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 10:07:54 -0800
Yu-Shun Wang <yushunwa at ISI.EDU> wrote:
> > 	Maybe, flashpluginwrapper-0.20021113 and linux-flashplugin-5.0r51.
> > 	Or new linuxpluginwrapper-20031120(not committed) and
> > 	linux-flashplugin6-6.0r79.
> Two short questions:
> - Should I uninstall one before install another?

	Yes.  Because of CONFLICTS these ports on runtime.

> - Is it the intention to have a generic linux plugin wrapper (hence
>    the name)? Or I'd suggest following the naming convention of
>    flashpluginwrapperX (X=6 in this case) rather than having yet
>    another name which is IMHO not very intuitive for someone
>    not following the list. :-)

	Linux Plugin Wrapper supports Flash6 and Acrobat5.
	In theory, it has a availability which is support
	other plugins for linux.

> >>My current browser is mozilla 1.5, but will probably upgrade to
> >>1.6a soon.
> > 	Please wait until commit linuxpluginwrapper, if you use Flash6.
> Sure. And thanks for the good works!

	Committed.  Please!

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