which flash? (plugins, wrappers)

Norikatsu Shigemura nork at FreeBSD.org
Wed Nov 19 18:18:42 PST 2003

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:56:20 -0800
Yu-Shun Wang <yushunwa at ISI.EDU> wrote:
> I am a bit confused about which flash plugins & wrappers to
> use. I've been using these:
>    flashpluginwrapper-0.20021113
>    linux-flashplugin-5.0r51
> And the recent mails on new flash stuff got me interested,
> and here's what I found under www/

>    flashplugin
>    flashplugin-mozilla (flashplugin-mozilla-devel)

	flashplugin is a free implementation of Flash5(4?).
		+- flashplugin-mozilla
		+- flashplugin-mozilla-devel
			these are flashplugin's slave port for

>    linux-flashplugin
>    linux-flashplugin6

	These are Flash5/Flash6 implementation provide by Macromedia.
	By nature, we can use on linux mozilla/netscape7, but..

>    flashpluginwrapper

	Yes, we can use linux-flashplugin on FreeBSD native mozilla
	by this port.

> So what's the recommended combination here? Should I uninstall
> what I have before going to the new flash (6.0) stuff?

	Maybe, flashpluginwrapper-0.20021113 and linux-flashplugin-5.0r51.
	Or new linuxpluginwrapper-20031120(not committed) and

> My current browser is mozilla 1.5, but will probably upgrade to
> 1.6a soon.
> Thanks,

	Please wait until commit linuxpluginwrapper, if you use Flash6.

> yushun.
> -- 
> Yu-Shun Wang <yushunwa at isi.edu>
> USC Information Sciences Institute

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