
Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Fri Jul 18 15:08:13 PDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 14:14, Matthew Donadio wrote:
> [please forgive the new thread; the incoming server at my ISP is hosed,
> so I am browsing the list archives to follow this]
> Joe said:
> > You may have to readjust your font settings.  I went in to Opera setup,
> > and selecting my Normal font as Helvetica 12, and it looks just fine. 
> > In general, I didn't notice any font problems after the upgrade.
> I did some more digging with this.  Opera, Galeon, and Mozilla seem to
> be effected here, and the problem only seems to be hapening with Adobe
> fonts, and only when they are rendered from web pages.
> If I select "Helvetica [Adobe]" as a font for webpages, then I have the
> problem, but I can select the same font for the app, and it gets
> rendered properly.  Pages are also honked if an Adobe font like
> Helvetica or Times is specified for font-family in a CSS
> ( is an example for this, but be careful since Ariel
> is listed before Helvetica in the CSS).  Other font families, like
> Bitstream Vera, work fine.
> I can run more tests to narrow this down more, or to figure out if it is
> pilot error.

Upgrade to fontconfig-2.2.90_2, and you should be set.


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