
Matthew Donadio m.p.donadio at
Fri Jul 18 11:14:29 PDT 2003

[please forgive the new thread; the incoming server at my ISP is hosed,
so I am browsing the list archives to follow this]

Joe said:
> You may have to readjust your font settings.  I went in to Opera setup,
> and selecting my Normal font as Helvetica 12, and it looks just fine. 
> In general, I didn't notice any font problems after the upgrade.

I did some more digging with this.  Opera, Galeon, and Mozilla seem to
be effected here, and the problem only seems to be hapening with Adobe
fonts, and only when they are rendered from web pages.

If I select "Helvetica [Adobe]" as a font for webpages, then I have the
problem, but I can select the same font for the app, and it gets
rendered properly.  Pages are also honked if an Adobe font like
Helvetica or Times is specified for font-family in a CSS
( is an example for this, but be careful since Ariel
is listed before Helvetica in the CSS).  Other font families, like
Bitstream Vera, work fine.

I can run more tests to narrow this down more, or to figure out if it is
pilot error.

Matthew Donadio (m.p.donadio at

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