Script rmport shows error message

Mark Millard marklmi at
Sat May 1 19:50:18 UTC 2021

On 2021-May-1, at 10:07, Matthias Fechner <mfechner at> wrote:

> I thought that the rmport script was already updated, but I cannot use it.
> I tried to execute it with:
> Tools/scripts/rmport databases/rubygem-gitlab-pg_query
> fatal: ambiguous argument 'remotes/origin/main': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
> Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
> 'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
> you have local commits, exiting


ports/Tools/scripts/rmport does not yet seem to be set up to
expect or try "remotes/freebsd/" instead of "remotes/origin/".


If you follow the documented instructions the refs
for the ports main are (ignore any refs/ prefix):

# git remote show

# git show-ref --abbrev main
a6233da12c53 refs/heads/main
a6233da12c53 refs/remotes/freebsd/main

If you are not set up to be a committer you might
have something like:

# git remote -v show
freebsd	ssh:// (fetch)
freebsd	ssh:// (push)

(Where the push one is not intended to work and there
are https:// alternatives to the ssh:// use.)

You can use such commands to check on what is set up
in your environment.

This contrasts with the typical defaults, such as from
another git context that I have (older github: so master
instead of main):

# git remote show

# git remote -v show # output edited
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

# git show-ref --abbrev master
ae3f9ba refs/heads/master
ae3f9ba refs/remotes/origin/master

As for ports/Tools/scripts/rmport . . .

# grep origin /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/rmport
if ! ${GIT} diff --exit-code remotes/origin/main ; then

# grep freebsd /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/rmport

So no attempt at use of remotes/freebsd/ use.

Locally you could replace the "remotes/origin/" text
in the script until there is official support for
the documented way of setting things up.

> But there are no local changes:
> ╰─ git status
> On branch main
> Your branch is up to date with 'freebsd/main'.
> nothing to commit, working tree clean
> The FreeBSD repository is under freebsd and not origin, maybe this is the source of the problem:
> ╰─ git remote -v
> freebsd (fetch)
> freebsd git at (push)
> origin  git at (fetch)
> origin  git at (push)
> Has anyone an idea how to fix/use this very useful script?

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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