MFI Driver Behavior

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Feb 15 12:51:49 UTC 2011

On Monday, February 14, 2011 6:31:51 pm Erich Weiler wrote:
> >> If even there was a way I could determine what the "0xffffff80009b5870" 
> >> MFI command is, that would be a big help, so I would have a better idea 
> >> of where to continue my investigations.
> > 
> > That value is just a pointer to the command structure in the device driver for 
> > the command that timed out.  It probably is not that useful.  The best person 
> > to ask about this is probably Scott Long (scottl at  The fact that 
> > 'show volumes' unsticks the controller sounds quite odd.  Are you using MSI?  
> > If so, have you tried disabling MSI?
> Thanks for replying!  Yeah, I tried to contact Scott but it seems like 
> he does not reply to user email (some others have mentioned this as well 
> on the lists).
> But, I'm not sure about MSI.  How would I confirm I'm using it, or 
> disable it?  It looks from a bit of googling that one can disable it by 
> adding:
> hw.pci.enable_msix=0
> hw.pci.enable_msi=0
> to /boot/loader.conf, and rebooting.  Would that do it?


> But would I lose anything by disabling MSI?  I'm still not exactly sure 
> what it does, even after googling a bit...  ;)  Is there a man page I 
> can look at?

Hrmph.  It looks like our in-tree mfi(4) driver does not support MSI after
all.  How odd.  I know the hardware supports MSI.  In that case, this test
won't help. :(

John Baldwin

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