MFI Driver Behavior

Erich Weiler weiler at
Mon Feb 14 23:31:52 UTC 2011

>> If even there was a way I could determine what the "0xffffff80009b5870" 
>> MFI command is, that would be a big help, so I would have a better idea 
>> of where to continue my investigations.
> That value is just a pointer to the command structure in the device driver for 
> the command that timed out.  It probably is not that useful.  The best person 
> to ask about this is probably Scott Long (scottl at  The fact that 
> 'show volumes' unsticks the controller sounds quite odd.  Are you using MSI?  
> If so, have you tried disabling MSI?

Thanks for replying!  Yeah, I tried to contact Scott but it seems like 
he does not reply to user email (some others have mentioned this as well 
on the lists).

But, I'm not sure about MSI.  How would I confirm I'm using it, or 
disable it?  It looks from a bit of googling that one can disable it by 


to /boot/loader.conf, and rebooting.  Would that do it?

But would I lose anything by disabling MSI?  I'm still not exactly sure 
what it does, even after googling a bit...  ;)  Is there a man page I 
can look at?

Thanks for the help!

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