[patch] Quick Start Guide to FDP Primer

Dru Lavigne dru.lavigne at att.net
Wed Jan 9 21:09:07 UTC 2013

Attached is the svn diff for proposed changes to the Quick Start Guide of the FDP Primer. Igor is mostly happy, except for a few tab indents I can't figure out.

Note that this patch incorporates the information in the Tools section into the Overview section. As a new user I got bitten by following the Quick Start only to find that it did not mention all of the needed tools until the next chapter. Tools was also quite redundant in the docproj/jadetex discussion, none of which was mentioned in the earlier Quick Start section. If accepted, the svn diff shows the removal of Tools.

I tried to include in the Quick Start all of the info I could think of to get a new user started and ready to go. The content should be reviewed to make sure it isn't missing anything useful or suggests something which isn't standard practice.

Thanks to bcr@ for his patience in getting my head wrapped around indentation.


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