Need an environment for dynamic web content for

Vadim Goncharov vadim_nuclight at
Thu Mar 20 10:43:10 UTC 2008

Hi Murray Stokely! 

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:19:27 -0700; Murray Stokely wrote about 'Re: Need an environment for dynamic web content for':

> Apparently there is a MoinMoin plugin for voting that we're going to
> look at.  This doesn't really seem to be exactly what we're looking
> for because we are not looking to hold elections -- we want to accept
> new items, allow users to vote and comment on existing items, and
> present a sorted list of the most highly ranked items, so I'd still be
> happy if anyone can present other solutions we should investigate.

Then it should be patched to be, isn't it? I am not sure there exist exact
solution of what you want.

BTW, in terms of language comparison and advocacy it is better to build this
on Java's JSP, thus showing that FreeBSD perfectly supports "serious corporate
solutions" :)

And PHP has too may vulnerbilities _in_ _the_ _interpreter_ _itself_ - no
matter how good PHP programmer avoids bugs in web application if server itself
is vulnerables. Patches and setup could avoid damaging root and other users,
but who cares if it is enough to deface a site and make such a bad PR for
FreeBSD Project?..

WBR, Vadim Goncharov. ICQ#166852181       mailto:vadim_nuclight at
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