lock order reversals page

Simon L. Nielsen simon at FreeBSD.org
Sat May 26 07:49:32 UTC 2007

On 2007.05.17 12:55:40 -0400, Michael W. Lucas wrote:

> I'm sitting here in the dev summit listening to Bjorn Zeeb talk about
> the lock order reversal page,
> http://sources.zabbadoz.net/freebsd/lor.html .  Bjorn is a single
> point of failure for this list, and he's the only one who can maintain
> it.
> Consensus appears to be that it's a useful resource that deserves
> keeping.
> Any opinions on bringing this into the doc/ tree?  I think having it
> as an article would be useful.  Multiple people could maintain it that
> way.

I think it would fit well somewhere under www/.  I don't really see
the advantage for make it an article compared to a web page since it's
mainly useful in it's most up-to-date version and I don't really see
much advantage of having it in non-HTML formats.

Simon L. Nielsen

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