lock order reversals page

Bjoern A. Zeeb bz at FreeBSD.org
Thu May 17 18:43:40 UTC 2007

On Thu, 17 May 2007, Michael W. Lucas wrote:


thanks for picking this up.

> I'm sitting here in the dev summit listening to Bjorn Zeeb talk about
> the lock order reversal page,
> http://sources.zabbadoz.net/freebsd/lor.html .  Bjorn is a single

you can find a few slides on the wiki now too:
(see the 'Formal Session' on http://wiki.freebsd.org/200705DevSummit)

> point of failure for this list, and he's the only one who can maintain
> it.
> Consensus appears to be that it's a useful resource that deserves
> keeping.
> Any opinions on bringing this into the doc/ tree?  I think having it
> as an article would be useful.  Multiple people could maintain it that
> way.

let me give two comments in addition to this:

- though it's HTML atm, if your are going to take it, I am very happy
   to change it to XML. I have some perl script I had used to split it
   up into the indivdual pages so it should be easily adopted to do the
   s,HTML,XML, part;)

- I just want to warn you to not go back to one page style. Been there
   and it was no longer really loadable. wc says for the sum of the
   detail pages and the overview page:
    27124   70637  971780 total
   There is some overhead in that but the list is going to grow...

> I'm in the final landing stages of "Absolute FreeBSD," so I could do
> the conversion in a couple of months (six weeks to finish the book,
> two weeks to stare blankly at the wall).  If anyone felt like doing
> the article-ization beforehand, I wouldn't object.
> Opinions?
> ==ml


Bjoern A. Zeeb				bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT

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