[UPDATE] RFC: The end of the contributors article

Niclas Zeising niclas.zeising at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 12:42:50 UTC 2007

On 1/16/07, Joel Dahl <joel at freebsd.org> wrote:
> Fre 2007-01-12 klockan 01:49 +0100 skrev Joel Dahl:
> > Today I decided to finally do what I've been planning to do for a long
> > time: move stuff out of the contributors article and instead place it
> > under www/.
> I've just uploaded the latest version to:
>  http://people.freebsd.org/~joel/wii/team.html
> SGML source is here:
>  http://people.freebsd.org/~joel/wii/team.sgml

Great work!

> There are still some parts that needs more work/discussion though:
> 1.  What should the title be?  Right now it says "FreeBSD project
>    management and teams" but I don't really like that.  Suggestions?

Why not just FreeBSD project management or someting?  And then maybe
some explanation at the top about how the FreeBSD project management
works, with all hats, teams etc. and then you have the explanations of
each team.
Just a thought.

> 2.  I'm not sure about the "Teams" category.  Maybe we should name
>    that something else?  Something more descriptive would be nice.
> 4.  Introduction needed.  Should contain something about how we
>    elect teams and team members, a few words about our organizational
>    structure and how to contact teams etc.

Sounds resonable. See above.


> 6.  Where should we place it?  I'd like to avoid a major bikeshed when
>    I'm about to commit it, so we might as well decide this right away.
>    "About" or "Developers" seems most natural to me.

I don't know exactly where, but i agree on your suggestions.  It's
propably good if we put it somewhere where it's easy to find, so you
know who to contact in case you need to, even if you're not a
committer or anything.

> 7.  Comments, suggestions & feedback much appreciated.

Great work!

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