[UPDATE] RFC: The end of the contributors article

Joel Dahl joel at FreeBSD.org
Tue Jan 16 12:00:05 UTC 2007

Fre 2007-01-12 klockan 01:49 +0100 skrev Joel Dahl:
> Today I decided to finally do what I've been planning to do for a long
> time: move stuff out of the contributors article and instead place it
> under www/.

I've just uploaded the latest version to:

SGML source is here:

There are still some parts that needs more work/discussion though:

1.  What should the title be?  Right now it says "FreeBSD project
    management and teams" but I don't really like that.  Suggestions?

2.  I'm not sure about the "Teams" category.  Maybe we should name
    that something else?  Something more descriptive would be nice.

3.  I need descriptions for the following teams/hats (around 40-80
    -  Marketing Team
    -  Portmgr Secretary (rewin promised to fix ths one)
    -  Security Secretary (remko promised to fix this one)
    -  Accounts Team
    -  Backup Administrators
    -  Bugmeisters & GNATS administrators
    -  Cluster Administrators
    -  CVS Source Repository Managers
    -  CVSup Mirror Site Coordinators
    -  DNS Administrators
    -  FTP/WWW Mirror Site Coordinators
    -  Perforce Source Repository Managers
    -  Postmaster Team
    -  Ref Administrators

4.  Introduction needed.  Should contain something about how we
    elect teams and team members, a few words about our organizational
    structure and how to contact teams etc.

5.  Extending the core team description would be nice.  I just copied
    the text from the contributors article, but it's pretty weak imho.

6.  Where should we place it?  I'd like to avoid a major bikeshed when
    I'm about to commit it, so we might as well decide this right away.
    "About" or "Developers" seems most natural to me.

7.  Comments, suggestions & feedback much appreciated.


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