Minor error in freebsd handbook

Koen Heringa noek at home.nl
Mon Sep 12 20:50:48 UTC 2005

Hello, I think I found an error in the online freebsd handbook.
But I am not very sure because I am very new to bsd.
Anyway in Chapter 8 Configuring the FreeBSD Kernel,

*Procedure 1. Building a Kernel the “Traditional” Way*


      Run config(8)
      <http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=config&sektion=8> to
      generate the kernel source code.

# /usr/sbin/config MYKERNEL

I think the command should be
# /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/config MYKERNEL

Atleast that's what I make of it when I lookup the config command in the 
hyperlinked text.
Not that it helps me much, because even when I do it this way it won't 
work. For some reason you can't compile the original GENERIC kernel.
But that's somehting for questions at freebsd.org I suppose :)

Koen Heringa

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