Question regarding 'placeholders' (Translations)

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Sat Sep 18 15:23:50 UTC 2004

On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 02:30:37PM +0000, Josef El-Rayes wrote:
> Marc Fonvieille <blackend at>:
> > I don't think it's a good idea.  We should let translation teams use
> > what they think is the best solution.  And a translation team could even
> > decide to just not add skeleton for non-translated section/chapter.
> and why? i dont see any argument that speaks against consistency.

One argument was in the part you did not quote :)

With the "placeholders" you want to use, in the TOC you cannot see
easily what things are not translated.
And as I said translation teams may want to use their own scheme, do not
forget each language has its rules, preferences, uses etc.  It has
nothing to do with consistency.

The French team uses <title>Non-translated title ** Traduction en Cours
**</title> for the Handbook, which is easy to note in a TOC, etc.  It's
a choice, easy to read and to understand, easier than
<title>* Translated title</title>.  But if people want to use something
else for their translation, it's their choice.

And about skeletons, I don't see why people would have to add 20
chapters skeletons when they are not needed, it would just be a waste of
space.  But if the translators want to add or don't want to add them,
let them free to decide their way, and define their own rules.

There are enough important rules to respect, this one would not be a
good one and some teams would not follow it...

The original problem was just the fact the english text of
non-translated part should not kept for obvious reason of
space/bandwidth space.  *This* point should be mentioned somewhere, if
it's not already done.  Then people are free to use the way they prefer:
skeletons or not, custom placeholders etc.


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