docs/66481: [patch] share/examples/diskless/README.TEMPLATING tyops

Michel Lavondès fox at
Tue May 11 06:30:39 UTC 2004

On Mon, 10 May 2004, Warren Block wrote:

> On Mon, 10 May 2004, Michel Lavondès wrote:
> > --- share/examples/diskless/README.TEMPLATING.orig	Wed May  5 09:17:25 2004
> > +++ share/examples/diskless/README.TEMPLATING	Wed May  5 09:19:47 2004
> > -            it descending into on the source to obtain a list of exceptions
> > +            it descends into on the source to obtain a list of exceptions
>                                 ^^
> The "on" should be removed.

I don't think so. The whole sentence reads as follows:

        *   The program accesses a file called .cpignore in each directory
            it descends into on the source to obtain a list of exceptions
            for that directory -- that is, files not to copy or mess with.

Perhaps it could be reworded as "each directory of the source [tree] into 
which it descends", but this is (IMHO) a matter of taste, and I'd rather 
not get involved in those.

"I'd ask if you'd found the right sort of isolated wasteland for your
citadel of dread yet, but that would be a silly question; you're in Utah,
after all." --ESR to Darl McBride (Chief Excessive Ossifier of Squandered 
Clues Obstination), in

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