Time for a Network Handbook?

Remko Lodder remko at FreeBSD.org
Mon Dec 6 19:26:22 UTC 2004

Nik Clayton wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 01:28:59PM -0600, Eric Anderson wrote:
>>Nik Clayton wrote:
>>>Anybody got any strong feelings about moving the existing "Network
>>>Communication" <part> out of the Handbook, and using it to seed a new
>>>FreeBSD Networking Handbook?
>>What's the reasoning behind it?  I like it in the Handbook personally - 
>>it fits with the rest of the book.
> Partly to move closer (as others have said) to having a collection of
> Handbooks.  But mainly because I was glancing over the existing content
> and it struck me as odd that mail gets its own chapter while most of the
> other network services have to sit in together.
> So the natural thing to do is to give each network service its own
> chapter.  Which would increase the size of the Handbook somewhat.  So
> slicing them out in to a separate networking handbook could be
> appropriate.
> I also think that giving each service a 'standard' structure:
>     Synopsis
>     Terminology
>     Client
>     Server
> will lend some needed uniformity to the content, and make it easier for
> someone to start documenting additional services (IMAP?  POP3?  DAV? ...).
> While I think about it I'm beginning to think that Terminology
> ("Glossary"?) might make sense as a 'standard' <sect1> in all the other
> chapters too, in the same way that Synopsis is.
> N

I like the entire idea :-) The Dutch team will proudly follow 
translating the stuff when it's available :-)

Kind regards,

Remko Lodder
FreeBSD (Dutch) Documentation Team

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