Time for a Network Handbook?

Nik Clayton nik at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 6 19:21:11 UTC 2004

On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 01:28:59PM -0600, Eric Anderson wrote:
> Nik Clayton wrote:
> >Anybody got any strong feelings about moving the existing "Network
> >Communication" <part> out of the Handbook, and using it to seed a new
> >FreeBSD Networking Handbook?
> What's the reasoning behind it?  I like it in the Handbook personally - 
> it fits with the rest of the book.

Partly to move closer (as others have said) to having a collection of
Handbooks.  But mainly because I was glancing over the existing content
and it struck me as odd that mail gets its own chapter while most of the
other network services have to sit in together.

So the natural thing to do is to give each network service its own
chapter.  Which would increase the size of the Handbook somewhat.  So
slicing them out in to a separate networking handbook could be

I also think that giving each service a 'standard' structure:


will lend some needed uniformity to the content, and make it easier for
someone to start documenting additional services (IMAP?  POP3?  DAV? ...).

While I think about it I'm beginning to think that Terminology
("Glossary"?) might make sense as a 'standard' <sect1> in all the other
chapters too, in the same way that Synopsis is.

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