Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD

Scott T. Hildreth shildret at
Tue Oct 17 06:07:38 PDT 2006

On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 12:46 +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Vladimir Terziev wrote:
>  > The discussion here is about mixing native FreeBSD perl
>  > and Oracle Linux instant client libraries
> I think I've already answered that question.

  Vladimir &  I both know or thought we knew that this is not
  possible, thus my post way back, indicating that one needs a
  linux-perl to compile DBD::Oracle.  Martin said he was able
  to compile a native DBD::Oracle using the instant client libraries.
  We were both curious on how he did that, without writing a 

>  > not a general
>  > discussion about so-called "linux emulation" under FreeBSD.
> But that "general discussion" also answered your specific
> question.  It was my intention to explain a bit of the
> background, so you can see _why_ it is not possible (or
> at least very difficult) instead of asking over and over
> again.
> You cannot run object code for different ABIs within the
> same process image, unless the code doesn't do any syscalls
> (database libraries certainly require syscalls), or you
> write some "wrapper" glue code that switches or translates
> the ABI.  I doubt that anyone has done the latter, because
> it's a very non-trivial task.  It is _much_ easier to
> install Linux perl and be done with it (well, or install
> the old Oracle8 FreeBSD client from the Ports if you don't
> absolutely need to have the Oracle10 client).
> Best regards
>    Oliver
Scott T. Hildreth <shildret at>

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