Installing Oracle Client 10g on FreeBSD

Oliver Fromme olli at
Tue Oct 17 03:46:27 PDT 2006

Vladimir Terziev wrote:
 > The discussion here is about mixing native FreeBSD perl
 > and Oracle Linux instant client libraries

I think I've already answered that question.

 > not a general
 > discussion about so-called "linux emulation" under FreeBSD.

But that "general discussion" also answered your specific
question.  It was my intention to explain a bit of the
background, so you can see _why_ it is not possible (or
at least very difficult) instead of asking over and over

You cannot run object code for different ABIs within the
same process image, unless the code doesn't do any syscalls
(database libraries certainly require syscalls), or you
write some "wrapper" glue code that switches or translates
the ABI.  I doubt that anyone has done the latter, because
it's a very non-trivial task.  It is _much_ easier to
install Linux perl and be done with it (well, or install
the old Oracle8 FreeBSD client from the Ports if you don't
absolutely need to have the Oracle10 client).

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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