Error: Failed to spawn GNU rlog

Bernd Groh bgroh at
Tue May 20 16:18:42 PDT 2003


>To get the real errors, you can comment out the line(s) like:
>   open(STDERR, '>/dev/null'); # rlog may complain ...
>...around line 2130 (assuming you're using FreeBSD-CVSweb 2.0.6) in
>cvsweb.cgi and watch your web server error log while clicking the
>problematic dir link.

I actually ran into the same problem last week, made a fix to the script 
and submitted it to the list. But, I did this BEFORE I was a member of 
this list, as such, I only got the response that it awaits confirmation 
of the list-owner, and I had no response yet.

Shall I re-submit the fix?

It's very simple, it only checks whether you've got write-permissions to 
all the files you want to spawn rlog on, and if you don't, then it 
doesn't spawn rlog on that particular file (as a result, rlog seems to 
not complain anymore either). You can actually, given you can see the 
files, check for read-permissions and output an according error-message, 
this wouldn't require manual fixes in the script later on in order to 
determine whether you've got the right permissions.



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