11.0 -r301815 "kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile" on rpi2 [armv7-a/cortex-a7]: broken (24) and failing (59) lists

Mark Millard markmi at dsl-only.net
Mon Jun 13 18:48:24 UTC 2016

On 2016-Jun-13, at 10:49 AM, Alan Somers <asomers at freebsd.org> wrote:

> Please open a bug for the bitstring test failures and assign it to me.
> Also, since I don't have any arm hardware, please provide instructions
> on how to run this code in a VM, or where I can get access to the
> hardware.
> -Alan

I have created https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=210260 for the broken kyua bitstring tests.

I do not seem to have any control over the Assignee. (I  have no FreeBSD status of any kind so this is not surprising to me.)

I've never used QEMU or any arm-hardware based virtual machines. I've only used an rpi2 for armv6. So far the only VM's I've used are for amd64 running on amd64 hardware --and I run those under Mac OS X (VirtualBox, Parallels).

I'm not set up to give remote access to the rpi2 that I'm using.

So at this point I'm not much help for those arm-specific instructions that you asked for. Sorry.

Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net

> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 11:29 AM, Mark Millard <markmi at dsl-only.net> wrote:
>> With the newly less strict alignment requirements "kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile" runs to completion, unlike before.
>>> ===> Summary
>>> Results read from /root/.kyua/store/results.usr_tests.20160613-080302-120731.db
>>> Test cases: 5694 total, 54 skipped, 21 expected failures, 24 broken, 59 failed
>>> Total time: 8723.243s
>> I only list the one line summaries below. Then I list various context details.
>>> ===> Broken tests
. . .
>>> sys/sys/bitstring_test:bit_clear  ->  broken: Test case body timed out  [300.032s]
>>> sys/sys/bitstring_test:bit_count  ->  broken: Premature exit; test case received signal 11 (core dumped)  [1.080s]
>>> sys/sys/bitstring_test:bit_ffc  ->  broken: Premature exit; test case received signal 11 (core dumped)  [1.077s]
>>> sys/sys/bitstring_test:bit_ffc_at  ->  broken: Premature exit; test case received signal 11 (core dumped)  [1.081s]
>>> sys/sys/bitstring_test:bit_ffs  ->  broken: Premature exit; test case received signal 11 (core dumped)  [1.082s]
>>> sys/sys/bitstring_test:bit_ffs_at  ->  broken: Premature exit; test case received signal 11 (core dumped)  [1.077s]
>>> sys/sys/bitstring_test:bit_nclear  ->  broken: Premature exit; test case received signal 11 (core dumped)  [1.083s]
>>> sys/sys/bitstring_test:bit_nset  ->  broken: Premature exit; test case received signal 11 (core dumped)  [1.079s]
. . .

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