Why Are You NOT Using FreeBSD?

Daniel Kalchev daniel at digsys.bg
Wed Jun 6 06:46:32 UTC 2012

On 06.06.12 05:31, Erich wrote:
> On 05 June 2012 10:55:57 Chris Rees wrote:
>> It is absolutely a bad idea for "beginners" to be using tagged/dated
>> ports trees-- they are not supported and will lead to many complaints
>> about problems that were solved since the tag.
> How do they fall back when things went wrong?
> The handbook states that there is no fall back option.
> Their fall back option has a name: Windows.

No need for Windows propaganda here. We have had enough of this already. 

By the way, for those who tried FreeBSD and found it "too much", there 
is another, way better alternative: OS X
Someone else does the packaging, testing etc. for you and you still 
don't run Windows :)

This, of course, if the person, unlike you, does not ignore the advice 
to use PC-BSD. The same FreeBSD, with someone else taking care of 
watching the ports tree, configuring, compiling, packaging etc.


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