Why Are You NOT Using FreeBSD?

Erich erichfreebsdlist at ovitrap.com
Wed Jun 6 02:31:55 UTC 2012


On 05 June 2012 10:55:57 Chris Rees wrote:
> On 5 June 2012 09:25, Erich <erichfreebsdlist at ovitrap.com> wrote:
> > On 05 June 2012 3:08:17 b. f. wrote:
> >> > On 05 June 2012 15:33:16 Mark Andrews wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > In message <2490439.EC638TI0j3 at x220.ovitrap.com>, Erich writes:
> >> > > > Hi,
> >> > > >
> >> > All of these, with the exception of HEAD (which is always a valid tag), only apply to the src/ tree. The ports/, doc/, and www/ trees are not branched.
> >> >
> >> > I understand this that I can use these tags on the FreeBSD sources but not on the ports.
> >> >
> >> > I never tried this on the ports.
> >>
> >> I sent a long reply to your earlier message on freebsd-ports
> >> explaining exactly this -- how each Ports tree snapshot has a version
> >> number: the date spec.  Also, how a few special snapshots also have a
> >> second version number: the release tag.  I also explained how to find
> >> and use these, with and without cvs.  Am I wasting my time by trying
> >> to answer your questions, E.?
> >
> > I think that you missed my point. The point is that this has to be made available for beginners. As long as the handbook states that this does not apply to the ports tree, at least beginners will stop there.
> "Beginners" should be using packages anyway.

when are then allowed to use the ports?

The first time they will use the ports, they are beginners again.
> It is absolutely a bad idea for "beginners" to be using tagged/dated
> ports trees-- they are not supported and will lead to many complaints
> about problems that were solved since the tag.

How do they fall back when things went wrong?

The handbook states that there is no fall back option.

Their fall back option has a name: Windows.


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