[patch] corrupt memstat_kvm_malloc(3) output and dtrace

Ben Kelly ben at wanderview.com
Wed May 6 05:00:21 UTC 2009

On May 5, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Ben Kelly wrote:
> While debugging a problem recently with Alexander Leidinger we  
> noticed that crashinfo(8) was producing corrupt vmstat -m output.   
> After doing some digging it appears that memstat_kvm_malloc(3) might  
> have been broken by this commit:
>  http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=179222
> The problem is that memstat_kvm_malloc(3) assumes that  
> malloc_type_internal starts with an array of malloc_types_stats  
> structures.  This assumption is no longer true, though, as  
> mti_probes was inserted at the start of the structure.
> It appears that this (untested) patch might fix the problem:
>  http://www.wanderview.com/svn/public/misc/zfs/vmstat_kvm_malloc.diff
> I'm not very familiar with dtrace, though.  Does anyone know if this  
> would cause problems?

Just FYI, I was able to recompile and test this patch tonight.  It  
seems to have fixed vmstat -M $core -m output on my machine.

- Ben

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