Serious breach of copyright -- First post

Colman Reilly careilly at
Tue Jun 20 12:06:08 UTC 2006

Can we remove a few of the mailing lists from this please? Perhaps  
all of them?



On 20 Jun 2006, at 12:59, Dennis Olvany wrote:

> Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
>> Dennis Olvany <dennisolvany at> writes:
>>> Johnathan Michaels hit on the next point I would like to make and
>>> that is the distinction between patent and copyright. A method or
>>> process may be patented, but the factual written procedure of such
>>> may not be copyrighted. I'll follow up with some examples of the
>>> types are things that are not copyrightable in a final attempt to
>>> convey my point.
>> You are wrong.  The method or process is patentable.  A written
>> description of the method or process is copyrightable.
> howto change oil
> 1. remove oil cap
> 2. drain oil
> 3. remove filter
> 4. etc.
> So, you're saying my little oil change procedure is copyrightable?  
> Laughable.
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