Fwd: Serious breach of copyright -- First post

Dennis Olvany dennisolvany at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 11:59:35 UTC 2006

Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> Dennis Olvany <dennisolvany at gmail.com> writes:
>> Johnathan Michaels hit on the next point I would like to make and
>> that is the distinction between patent and copyright. A method or
>> process may be patented, but the factual written procedure of such
>> may not be copyrighted. I'll follow up with some examples of the
>> types are things that are not copyrightable in a final attempt to
>> convey my point.

> You are wrong.  The method or process is patentable.  A written
> description of the method or process is copyrightable.

howto change oil
1. remove oil cap
2. drain oil
3. remove filter
4. etc.

So, you're saying my little oil change procedure is copyrightable? 

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