Anti Virus - E-mail Bloqueado

antivirus at antivirus at
Mon Jul 25 01:43:30 GMT 2005

O e-mail abaixo indicado foi bloqueado por este servidor, pois contém 
um anexo executável. Arquivos executáveis são potencialmente perigosos
por constituir meio de propagação de vírus e worms de e-mail.
Somente arquivos anexos de extensão .zip e .jpg são aceitos.

The following e-mail was blocked by this server because it contains an
executable attachment. Executable files are potentially dangerous, as 
they are used for e-mail virus and worms propagation.
Only attachments with extension .zip and .jpg are accepted.

Mail headers:
  Date       : Sun, 24 Jul 2005 22:52:19 -0300
  Subject    : Re: Document
  From       : chat at
  Return-Path: <chat at>
  Received   : from ( [])
  To (system): csaude.csaude
  To (header): csaude at
  Cc         : 
  Bcc        : 

  Executables: your_document.pif

Mensagem Automática - Por favor não responda.
Automatic Message - Please, don't reply.

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