Photoshop to gimp help

Christer Solskogen solskogen at
Wed Jul 20 04:00:54 GMT 2005

On Wed, July 20, 2005 04:11, Dan Langille wrote:
> I asked this near the end of May, but didn't get any takers.  To
> boost interest, I have a copy of Absolute BSD, or Absolute OpenBSD,
> and a BSDCan 2005 t-shirt to trade in exchange.
> I want an image created with GIMP.  I have a couple of PSD files and
> a JPG you can use as a starting point.
> This is the image I want to wind up with (more or less)
>    <>
> What I really need is a GIMP file with the different elements (flag,
> text, daemon, etc) so that I can easily update the image from year to
> year.
> I also have these images which may help get you started:
> Thanks!

I`m not a very good artist, but gimme some time and I`ll work something out.


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