DNS Question

Nils Holland nils at thunderbridge.de
Thu Jul 24 08:19:18 PDT 2003

Hmm, I don't know why this message turned up here again. Look at the date - I 
posted it on Monday, it didn't seem to have gotten though, and I didn't 
receive a failure notice, so I thought it lost and re-{wrote,sent} it 

And now, today, the old message gets delivered. Strange. Where has it been all 
of the time? Hmm. Probably it's because my provider is not only using djbdns 
on their DNS servers, but also qmail on their mail servers. *lol*

Anyway, I'm sorry for the double-post. :-(

Nils <nils at thunderbridge.de>

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"I painted all your pigeons red - I wish I had stayed home instead"

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21:01:40 CEST 2003     root at gaffa.thunderbridge.de:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/JAZZY  
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